Copy is a story is a story is a story.

(a workshop)

For a long time, I’ve wanted to offer something to business owners that’s accessible, intimate (i.e. not massive coaching groups or courses), and undeniably effective at helping you make money with your words.

This is what I’ve come up with.

“This workshop is like the secret mushroom on a video game that will help you level up to the next world! In a short period of time, you’ll get valuable tools to immediately start making your writing better!”

Jenine Camins, UQ Mindfulness

“I made some really great connections. We workshopped ideas together and inspired each other. I've also had a few delightful coffee dates come out of it!”

Jesse Rosenblum, Liminal Sōma

“I'd say to do it. You'll get specific writing tools that are difficult at first but will become easier with practice, and we can't keep ignoring if we want to be writing clearer, more effective, and more valuable copy.”

Rianne BeCraft, Big-Life Changes & Career Change Coach

What if copywriting could feel like a poetry workshop?

I’ve been asking myself this question over and over, and have come to this conclusion: why shouldn’t it?

For years, writing copy has been taught in a strategic, formulaic way that encourages pain point agitation and manipulation.

It’s never sat quite right with me — and I bet it hasn’t with you either.

But even though I’ve been writing copy for 10+ years, I’m not only a copywriter.

I’m also a poet, an MFA graduate, and a creative writing professor who believes that marketing copy doesn’t have to feel formulaic or perfect — especially if you’re a creative, intuitive, or soulful business owner. In fact, it shouldn’t.

(All hail the typo! The only thing separating humans from AI).

If you do it right, copywriting can be a creative outlet.

It can gather people in the way that story always has and always will.

It can entertain, create deep connection, and yes, sell your products (because we live in capitalism, and so must do this… for now).

So. What would your copy look like if you changed your “shoulds” around it?

If you stopped trying to “put your words to work” and instead treated them with love, creativity, and curiosity.

Copy Story workshops are for those of us who want to be kind to, for, and with our words.

This workshop is for you if…

  • You believe that words have inherent magic and are ready to wield that magic well.

  • You’re over the templates, formulas, and strategies that promise to make you money “overnight.” Or, you’re ready to unlearn some of these strategies and abandon a “growth at all costs” mindset.

  • You want to build genuine (non-manipulative) connections with your audience.

This workshop is not for you if…

  • You’re not willing to accept feedback on your copy (all students get 1:1 feedback).

  • You’d rather hire someone to write copy for you (which is fine, btw! But you don’t need this class).

  • Manipulative tactics have worked for you in the past and you’re not willing to give that up.

How Copy Story workshops flow

In the simplest terms, this workshop is copywriting strategy meets creative writing class.

Meaning that you will learn how to build an audience and make money in your business and also learn to treat the process of writing copy as a creative, artistic, and collaborative endeavor.

Class #1: How to write good copy (confront the shadow & begin)

Think of this like your copywriting basics class — or refresher. We’ll start with a short lecture, reflect on the history of marketing and why it makes us feel so icky (this is our shadow work), and read some great examples of writing together. Be prepared to do some in class writing, and come with an idea of what you’ll want your main project to be (I’ll guide you on this).

Class #2: How to write great copy (edit to build connections)

A great professor once called the energy of a first draft “hot” and the energy of editing “cold.” Our second class falls into this “cold energy” category. It’s what takes our great stories and transforms them into more strategic, money-makin’ copy copy. You know what I mean? We’ll talk about the keys to crafting copy that converts, I’ll give you clear examples of how to do it, and we’ll get a few practice rounds in.

Class #3: How to write unforgettable copy (integrate feedback)

What would a workshop be without, you know, a workshop? Together, we’ll drive our concepts home by looking at some copy examples and discussing how we would make them better. We’ll also review some of the copy work you’ve been doing in class and for homework. Sharing your work for live feedback with the class is optional and will be in addition to the 1:1 feedback every student will receive (more on that below).

Every student gets 1:1 feedback on their project

One of the main goals of the Copy Story workshop is for every student to leave with a completed copy project of their choice.

This could be a newsletter, a webpage, a social post, etc.

In order to make sure this happens, every student will have the option to get my personalized feedback on their project.

Project reviews will be limited to 1 project of 1,000 words or less, but otherwise the choice is yours.

Feedback will come in the form of a pre-recorded video from Nicole Cloutier (that’s me) — a copywriter who’s been in the marketing world for over a decade and has worked with entrepreneurs, course creators, and brands of every size.

The feedback I give you will help drive home the concepts we’ve learned so that you can keep it up long after class ends. I hope you’ll join us.

But you don’t think you’re a “good writer”?

Would it surprise you to learn that I hear this ALL. THE. TIME. from my college students? And that then they go on to write some of the most beautiful, evocative stories I’ve ever read?

In most schools (probably yours), writing is taught as a 5-paragraph keyhole essay and then you lose points (i.e., get punished) for every spelling and grammar mistake you make.

It’s an incredibly elitist, prescriptive, and colonizing way to look at language. And we have a lot of unlearning to do.

In Copy Story, we’ll discuss the effect this cultural treatment of writing has had on you, and why the idea that you “can’t write” is 100% bullshit.

You can write your own copy if you want to. I promise.

(FAQ) You also might be wondering…

  • Yes. Cohorts begin whenever the urge strikes me. We meet for three one-hour blocks. Usually over the course of three weeks, but this might change from time to time. A live component is the best way to get that collaborative aspect I’m after and feels key to setting us apart from existing group courses.

  • For starters, it’ll help YOU feel more inspired, creative, and aligned with your business and your customers. But it will also help you strategically stand out and make more authentic connections with your audience that traditional methods might miss. This not only helps you sell, but also helps you engage on a much deeper (dare I say more spiritual) level.

  • These workshops don’t ignore good strategy and it’s not about replacing what you already know (unless you’re really leaning into manipulation. Then you should definitely stop that). It’s about making your copy more authentic and fun, which will help you be more consistent and help you create content that resonates.

  • Immediate results include enjoying the process of writing copy and seeing at least one copy project through to completion (with my 1:1 feedback to help you cross that finish line!). But the real magic lives in the more long term results that come from writing authentic, compelling, story-driven copy over time. Do this, and your customers will trust, love, and buy from you more.

  • No sharing will happen until the third class. In my experience, most students are comfortable sharing by this time — we’re all on the same journey after all! If that doesn’t happen for you, no worries! Sharing is voluntary, and you can still receive my 1:1 feedback privately.

  • Creativity comes in various forms, and this workshop is designed to nurture it. So many of us have been told throughout our lives (directly or indirectly) that we weren’t creative or artistic enough. That comes from a model that’s more focused on spelling and grammar than actual creativity. By the end of the workshop, you'll be amazed at how creativity can enhance your copy, even if you've never thought of yourself as particularly creative.

  • I find that student learn the fastest when I’m able to give them detailed and personalized feedback. It will help you apply strategies in real time and see where your areas of opportunity are. Plus, it’ll give you some accountability to finish up your workshop project!

  • Sure. I’m not anti-AI. It’s incredibly useful for brainstorming, reviewing, and not starting with a blank page. In fact, I asked it to come up with some of these FAQs. If you want to use it for all of your writing, go ahead. I mean that with zero judgement. But I guarantee it won’t build the same connections as using your own words. Remember, words cast spells. Make yours intentional.

When, where, and how much

The next workshop starts in March. Recordings will be provided, but it’s always fantastic to get to know each other, so I highly recommend showing up live.

The cost is $244 per student. This includes 3 hours of in-class time with me and a 1:1 to go over your copy project and help you get it from start to finish. My goal was to make this accessible as possible, while also keeping the group small and intimate (max 11 students).

If this price still feels inaccessible to you for any reason, please send me an email and we’ll figure something out:

And if this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, hit the button below.