Episode 17: Your "career" is not a race... or is it? (with Rianne BeCraft)

One of my favorite things about diving deep into words in these episodes is tracing how the history of the word affects the way we use it today. Even if that old definition feels incredibly different from what we know. “Career” is a perfect example.*

Today, I explore that word with career coach, Rianne BeCraft. I’ve worked with Rianne through some of my own career transitions, and I’m so excited to share a bit of their expertise with you.

*Hint: “rat race” is more apt than you think. 😉

Tune in to learn…

  • The history of the word “career” and how that history created the way we view “careers” today.

  • How to approach “career” with intuitive pragmatism (it’s less of a contradiction than it sounds!).

  • A quick exercise that will help you make more intuitive decisions in your career.

FYI “career” shares an origin with another unexpected (yet so obvious) word. Listen to find out. 👇

Resource (and more info about Rianne BeCraft):

And I leave you with this…

From Webster’s Dictionary 1828:

CAREER, noun

5. In falconry, a flight or tour of the hawk, about 120 yards.


18: “Decolonization” & the legacy of the plantation in our workplace (with Podge Thomas)


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